Camper Calling

24 - 27 August 2023

Cacao Ceremonies

Heal TentGuest User

Experience the Magic of Cacao with Pearl (18+)

Join us for an enchanting Cacao Taster Ceremony at Camper Calling Festival. A heart-opening ceremony connecting you to Mother Earth, the spirit of Cacao and your inner self. Benefits include: Cacao is an ancient plant medicine you drink, which is the most natural form of chocolate. It has many health benefits and nutrients, which nourish the mind, body & spirit. It contains theobromine, which boosts energy and focus and promotes the release of serotonin, enhancing your mood. Breath work helps to calm the mind and nervous system. It oxygenates the body and promotes the removal of toxins, and increases lung function. It calms the mind and helps with depression and anxiety. Shamanic Drumming Journey connects us to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. It reduces anxiety and helps release old energy that has become blocked in our body and energy system. It accelerates physical healing and boosts the immune system. Movement and Dance improves mobility, lung, and heart function. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Unconscious movement encourages self-discovery and helps to release stress.

The ceremony is mood enhancing, invigorating, and fun. 18+ only