Camper Calling

24 - 27 August 2023

The Comedy House Party

Carnival Stage SundayGuest User

The Comedy House Party is the capital’s one and only immersive comedy night. It’s full of absurd characters for you to meet, games for you to play and LOLS for you to have!

The is an evening dedicated to hilarious and WTF acts (think hot and alternative, ridiculous cabaret and hip musical comedy). As well as the guests popping into the House Party you’ll also be entertained throughout the evening with party games such as ‘Innuendo Charades’, ‘Tequila Roulette’ and ‘Musical Statues’.

Be sure to leave your inhibitions at the door, as this is one immersive comedy house party you won't forget in a hurry!

14:00-16:00 - Carnival Stage!